Here are just a few of the important services offered by a business law firm:
Entity Formation: The most important step in creating a new business is the actual legal creation of that business. Whether you’re starting a Limited Liability Company, a Corporation, or a non-profit organization, there are a number of legal hoops that could easily trip up a business owner who is not savvy in such matters. The presence of an attorney aids in this process by providing your business with an experienced guiding hand who will ensure that all paperwork is properly filled out, all steps are taken, and that all aspects of your entity are legally protected.
Business Strategy: Once you’re off the ground, an attorney can help with your company’s overall strategy, providing advice and support in regard to the creation and implementation of debt and/or equity financing strategies, organizational structure and risk management, joint ventures, licensing arrangements, tax planning and more! A lawyer is a close confidant who can approach the issues that affect your company with an outside perspective.
Contract Negotiation: In business, it is often said that “you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate.” An attorney can examine all contracts and agreements set before you, and represent your company during negotiations to ensure the best possible arrangement is agreed upon, with respect to your wishes. Having an experienced guiding legal hand at the wheel in the midst of a contract negotiation grants you an added advantage and a layer of protection as you work towards strengthening your business.
Succession Planning: An attorney is a vital asset during the creation of your company, and so too shall they be at the end of the road. When the time to retire finally arrives, a business law firm will ensure a smooth transitional period as you phase out of day-to-day operations and pass along those responsibilities to a worthy successor.
Listed here are just a few of the many important facets of business law which The Orlando Law Group specializes in. Other services include: entity advisory and guidance, mergers and acquisitions, buy/sell agreements, business sales, estate planning for business owners, and policy reviews.
If you are looking for a dedicated, knowledgeable, friendly legal team to guide and advise your business, call The Orlando Law Group today at 407.512.4394!
Last Updated on November 2, 2017 by The Orlando Law Group