The Orlando Law Group
Elder Law Attorney in Orlando, FL

Here in Florida, we are fortunate to have a vibrant elder population which continues to grow. Members of this community maintain active lifestyles and wish to maintain personal control over their choices regarding finances and living arrangements.
The field of Elder Law encompasses issues that this community may expect to face as they age such as applying for and receiving Social Security, Medicaid, or Veterans Administration benefits, physical abuse/financial exploitation by family members or others, initiating or challenging a guardianship action for a loved one, planning for a special needs adult child, or caring for an incapacitated spouse.
The ideal goal is to allow our elder family members to “age in place” which is a term for remaining at home as opposed to a nursing home or assisted living for as long as possible and with proper supports as needed. The Orlando Law Group works with families to plan ahead in anticipation of future needs and to address present circumstances with compassion and affordable solutions.
Discuss your case with us
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(407) 512-4394