Shared parenting means that both parents of the children are to share in the discussion of the major decisions affecting their children.
Both parents should inform the other of everything that occurs in their children’s lives.
Neither parent will disparage the other in the presence of the children or allow others to do so.
Each parent should encourage love and affection for the other parent.
Both parents are equally entitled to all medical, school, psychological, dental, optical, or other records concerning their children.
Both parents are entitled to take part in major events in the child’s life including special events at school, church, or other venue involving the children.
Both parents are entitled to know in general what their children are doing and where they are at all times.
It is the duty of both parents to contribute to the economic well-being of their children.
It is the duty of both parents to consider the best interests of their children in making decisions for them.
Both parents must at all times keep the other informed as to the living places and phone numbers where their children can be reached
Tips for maintaining a good relationshp borrowed from Nancy and William Palmer:
- Refuse opportunities for revenge
- Let your dealings with others be nonjudgmental
- Understand the needs of your family
- Maintain honesty in your communication
- Show sensitivity to the feelings of others
- Set reasonable goals
- Determine the best way to talk with your ex and then do it
- Nothing prevents you from being more generous and flexible than the law requires
- Put yourself in the other person’s shoes
- Don’t assume the worst in anyone
- Understand you can lose the battle and lose the war
- Realize that you pay a high price for control
- Approach problems with a positive attitude
- Focus on the future, not the past
Last Updated on April 18, 2017 by The Orlando Law Group